Newly Enacted Ordinances

Please take notice that the Village of Withee, County of Clark, enacted:

Ordinance No. 1-07-19: All-Terrain and Utility Terrain Vehicle Routes Designated.  This ordinance was enacted to allow all roadways within the Village of Withee that have been properly posted and which are maintained by the Village personnel to be designated as an all-terrain and utility terrain vehicle route.   

Ordinance No. 2-07-19: Creating Sections 10-4-2(d) and (e) Relating to All-Terrain and Utility Terrain Vehicles. This ordinance was enacted to require every person within a utility terrain vehicle to wear a safety belt which was installed by the manufacturer.  Also, open intoxicants are banned by any person in an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle.

Ordinance No. 3-07-19: Purchase or Possession of Tobacco and Vaping Products by Minors.  This ordinance was enacted to prohibit the sale, furnishing or giving away of tobacco and vapor devices and products to minors and prohibits the possession, purchase and use of such devices and products by minors.

Ordinance No. 4-07-19: Regulation of Smoking and Vaping on Village Property.  This ordinance was enacted to prohibit smoking and vaping by any person within or upon all buildings and enclosed equipment owned, leased, or rented by the Village of Withee.          

These ordinances were approved on July 8, 2019 and will be in effect upon publication of this notice.  The full text of these ordinances may be obtained at the Village of Withee clerk’s office at 511 Division Street.  Clerk’s phone: 715-229-4319. The full ordinances may also be found under the Government section, Ordinance tab, on the village website.

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