There are six agencies that might be able to help with Past Due account. Clark…
How do I disconnect or connect for water/sewer/garbage services?
For either disconnecting (due to moving from Withee) or connecting (due to moving into Withee),…
How can I pay my monthly water/sewer/garbage bill?
Payments can be made: online at (muni ID# WitheeWI498) placed in Village Clerk drop…
When is the water/sewer/garbage bill due?
The monthly water/sewer/garbage bill is usually due by the 27th of the month, unless the…
How much are dog licenses?
If the dog is spayed or neutered the fee would be $3.00 and if not…
When does my dog need to be licensed by?
Each dog that is five (5) months of age or older residing in the Village…
How much were my property taxes?
Under the property taxes tab on the vertical listing, you will find a listing by…
When are my property taxes due?
The first installment whether you are paying the taxes in full or just the first…
Where do I pay my property taxes?
The first installment whether be in full or only the first half is due to…
What do I do with large items?
Large items such as mattresses or couches can be picked up at no charge. Call…